Pioneering technology designed by leading people

Client: Mioti Consulting
Strategy, UI/UX, Visual & Development

Mioti Consulting implements the latest big data, IoT, and artificial intelligence technologies in its clients to make their data strategy a reality and create new business opportunities.

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Applying tomorrow’s
technology today

Mioti is a technology consultancy that helps large companies make their data strategy a reality by applying big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. It offers Data Strategy and AI Strategy services through a team of experts and proprietary SaaS platforms that help better define the data strategy and the development of data science and IoT projects.


Uniting data,
strategy, & branding

Designing a website that clearly and effectively reflects Mioti’s mission to transform large companies into data-driven enterprises, highlighting its specialized services in Data Strategy and AI Strategy. The design and interaction of the website should convey the innovation and effectiveness of its proprietary SaaS solutions, and its ability to work with international clients and big brands. The website should communicate the importance of data integration, identifying areas of improvement and seeking new growth opportunities, using a visual aesthetic that combines technology and efficiency.


A dynamic
and immersive
user experience

We used conceptual elements and animations through circular shapes and interconnected dots that represented the connection of data using technologies such as three.js and WebGL to achieve a dynamic and immersive user experience. Incorporating movement and interactive animations through the use of scrolling effects, parallax, or smooth transitions to create striking and unique visual effects that capture the user’s attention and reinforce the brand’s image of innovation and technology.

Awards &

Honorable Mention
The Cube
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